Hello! Welcome To My New Website

Thank you so much for taking the time out to visit my new online home.

By doing so you are entering my world of poetry and music that includes anthologies of earlier music to be available for downloading together with new releases.

On this site you’ll be able to find out more about me, my writings and my music plus, you can become up to date with the latest Kelvin Brown news and information as well as being able to contact me directly for any reason.

These collections (whether it be writing or music) will be slowly added to this site so please stay in touch. A poem will be pasted monthly, and music will be sampled for purchase.

The first listings will be Tell It To The Walls, a collection of 26 traditional Indian stories read by Amaranth Storytellers with my music being the additional dimension to the wonderful storytelling.

This album will be available as a complete download from BandCamp very soon so “watch this space.”

Kelvin Brown
Kelvin Brown
Articles: 33

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