Collector Of Words (Matters Of The Heart, The Soul & The Spirit) – Volume 2
This is volume 2 in a 3 volume set.
These poems form a collection of guides and observations on the inner world.
Written during the years 1991 – 1993 and dealing with such subjects as birth, death and the whole adventure in-between, these poems are represented in nine categories with a title index
Edited by Heather Brown
(NB: All prices are including postage and handling within Australia. At the moment this product is only available for Australian customers only. If you are enquiring from outside of Australia please contact us directly)

"See the day of destruction
but know the day of rebirth."

"Tomorrow is spoken not in days
but in the moment of now."

"Sweet night of dreams;
no angel wings but the dove of peace."

"In the midst of sleep it comes
to awaken my space.
Then it stops.
I have heard and the music is complete."

"Yet another night of calm sits upon the lake,
the same light upon the water."

"See the wonder of end,
another story begins."

"How the soul knows the bird song
but how many birds have sung it?"

"Eternity has no hidden rooms.
Wherever you are we shall meet again."

"Do not leave yesterday in its sadness.
Do not leave tomorrow waiting.
Be the moment."

"Sweet poem,
You have music that the heart can hear
hidden in your words."